Old Skill to keep after Awakening

Old Skill to keep after Awakening

Soultaker: Day of Doom
Archmage, Mystic Muse: Cancellation (old cancels cannot cancel new buffs, but they can cancel noblesse blessing/item skill: reflect damage/freezing skin/etc etc etc)
Dark Avenger: Reflect Damage + Shield Deflect Magic (until 99 lvl, when Spike Shield can be enchanted on +time, constant 20% reflect are much better, than periodic 50% reflect)
Cardinal, Eva's Saint, Shillien Saint: (!!!!!!!!!)Light Armor Mastery(!!!!!!!!!), Robe Mastery
Shillien Saint: Prophecy of Wind (magic critical damage and HP, Drum Melody increases only magic critical chance and MP)
Dominator: Victory of Paagrio (magic critical damage)
Soul Hound: Steal Divinity (same as cancellation)

Useful skills (you can learn new skills, but these old skills are usually better) (list may be incomplete)

Soul Hound: Quick Recovery (trade of 13% cast speed for 20% skills reuse)
Doombringer: Rush Impact
Doomcryer: Chant of Victory
Dominator: Flames of Invincibility
Eva's Saint: Prophecy of Water
Cardinal: Resurrection, Mass Resurrection (new versions have fixed reuse 30 seconds and 600 seconds, but % of resurrection are much better, you will lose A LOT (i mean A LOT) of expereince after dying on high-levels. new Mass Resurrection also targets only party members instead of clan members)
Eva's Saint, Shillien Saint: Resurrection
Adventurer: Dash, Lure
Arcana Lord/Elemental Master/Spectral Master: Summon Smart Cubic (until ~90-95 lvl new cubic lacks cleanse and hardly do anything)

Useful skills (you can learn new skills, but these old skills can be better in some situations) (list may be incomplete)

Dreadnought: Provoke, Thrill Fight
Arcana Lord/Elemental Master/Spectral Master: Transfer Pain (70%-75% of transfer on new skill maybe too much, you cant heal summon that efficiently)
Hierophant: Mystic Immunity (Battle Rhapsody are much better for pvp, but Mystic Immunity combined with Angel’s Touch can do wonders on olympiad)
Sword Muse/Spectral Dancer - All Rhytm combo songs. its highly experimental, but basically you lose 1-2 berserkers and gain somewhat of combined mage+knight's harmony.
Wind Rider: Dodge
Moonlight Sentinel: Rapid Fire
Ghost Hunter: Counterattack
Archmage/Mystic Muse/Storm Screamer: Arcane Power
Storm Screamer: Empowering Echo
Titan: Frenzy
Grand Khavatary: Force Rage


1. FAST SHOT: 20min self buff increase archer 12% atck speed (old skill)
a. Awaken skill "QUICK FIRE" last only 20 sec , reduce 15% patck refresh in 120sec
b. New skill only good for PVP since it has long reuse for PvE xping.

2. Sharpshooting: 120sec increase patck, 20% crit rate, +6 acc, +200 range. Cannot move - Refresh in 60sec
a. Awaken skill "SNIPER STANCE" toggle skill, has -100 range less, -20% atck speed
b. In group old skill is good for XP since archer don't move much if have good tank

Skills you keep after awaken: http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?t=219284. The rest will be deleted.
Source: boards.rochand.com

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